
Why Vitamin D Is Important For Our Health

Author: David Tracy

Vitamin D is one of the several vitamins which are crucial for our health. This fat soluble vitamin can be found as ergocalciferol (vitamin D2) or cholecalciferol also known as vitamin D3. Vitamin D3 is the naturally occurring vitamin d that your body produces so it is easily absorbed by your body where as vitamin D2 is synthesized from plants.  Once Vitamin D is produced, it is carried in the bloodstream to the liver, where it is converted into the prohormone calcidiol which is the storage form of vitamin D.  When vitamin D is needed it will transport calcidiol to the kidneys where it is converted into calcitriol (potent steroid hormone), a more biologically active form of Vitamin D.  The main purpose of calcitriol is to regulate calcium and phosphorous levels to support healthy bone function such as proper bone growth in children (rickets - soft bones) and proper bone mineralization in adults (Osteoporosis - porous bones) as well as preventing many other bone diseases such as osteomalacia (bone pain) and renal osteodystrophy (bone loss) in people with kidney failure.  It is important to have enough Vitamin D to keep your calcidiol stores high as vitamin D\'s secondary functions will not occur if its main purpose of maintaining healthy bone functions is not met.  Once the body has enough calcitriol to regulate the calcium and phosphorous levels in the body the additional calcitriol is transported to the tissues where recent research has discovered some very exciting secondary functions of Vitamin D.

Secondary Functions

  • Vitamin D promotes normal cell function and growth by working as a key factor in maintaining hormonal balance and reducing inflammation of tissues.  It has been shown that Calcitriol assists in the build up and break down of healthy tissue which may be why studies have shown an increase of cancer in countries with less sun light.
  • Sufficient amount of vitamin D in their body can hope to cope with the influenza virus as well as other respiratory tract infections much better as the immune system gets a boost by this extremely beneficial vitamin.  Vitamin D helps increase the activity of your body\'s 'killer' T cells that destroy viruses and other foreign pathogens.
  • Increases cardiovascular health as it activates Vitamin D receptors in the heart and blood vessels to shut down the production of Renin which has negative effects of on oxidative stress, inflammation and regulating blood pressure.
  • Vitamin D can delay or prevent the development of type 2 diabetes as it is required for normal insulin secretion by the pancreas according to researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital.
  • Evidence suggests that vitamin D may help mood and according to vitamindcouncil.org in certain cases has been shown to be just as effective as light therapy in treating depression patients.    

Side Effects

While an intake of vitamin D is deemed to be essential, the popular conception of consuming extra amounts in order to remain healthier does not hold true here. An excess of vitamin D can prove to extremely dangerous as it tends to calcify the soft tissues like the heart, lung and blood tissues impairing their functions greatly.

 The functioning of the kidneys are affected by high doses of vitamin D and severe muscle cramps, headaches accompanied by nausea and high blood pressure may often be an outcome of increased levels of vitamin D within the body.

Vitamin D can also react adversely with some prescribed drugs. Phenobarbital and phenytoin affects calcium absorption, particularly when taken together with vitamin D supplements.   Intake of vitamin D together with steroids and cholesterol-lowering drugs like cholestyramine may prove to be counterproductive. If vitamin d is taken it in tandem with Orlistat (a weight reducing drug)it may cause a reduction in the absorption of vitamin D.


There are no visible symptoms of vitamin D deficiency; however, the lack of vitamin D can have a detrimental on your health.  It has been estimated that about 70of Americans are deficient in vitamin D.  While vitamin D can be found in small amounts in a number of food products such as fatty fishes and fortified in products such as dairy and juices; the primary source (80-90of what the body gets) of this extremely beneficial vitamin is sunlight. Humans require about 20 minutes of sun exposure a day to receive the daily recommended amount 200 IU but some health care providers are suggesting you can take up to 2,000 IU a day without any adverse affects.  If you live in colder climates, work inside all day, wear a high SPF cream/sun block or depending on the season (winter months) this may be difficult to achieve.  Vitamin D supplements may be the easiest way to ensure you are receiving all the health benefits from this essential vitamin all year round.  If you are a vegetarian, vitamin D2 may be a better solution for your vitamin D deficiency as many vitamin D3 supplements are derived from animal wool or feathers. 

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/nutrition-articles/why-vitamin-d-is-important-for-our-health-3596575.html

About the Author

I have been a fitness enthusiast for over 10 years and I have learned that there is a direct correlation between being healthy and being happy. As you get older, your body stops operating at optimum levels, and physically you become unable to do the things you used to enjoy. It is so important to eat a balance diet because your body will only run as good as the fuel you put into it. That\'s why supplements are so important if you are unable or too busy to consume the proper nutrients through eating alone. At StayFitNutrition.com we specialize in brand name health, bodybuilding, athletic and nutritional supplements at discounted prices.  Whatever your fitness goals may be, we can help you reach them faster. Lowest Prices, Best Service and Fastest Shipping is our promise to you!


Scientific Link Between Vitamin D Deficiency And Cancer

Author: Dr. Sarfraz Zaidi, M.D.

Vitamin D Deficiency and Cancer

Dermatologists have successfully hammered one thought into all of us: sun exposure may cause skin cancer, so wear sunscreen while you\'re out in the sun. What dermatologists don\'t tell us is that the vitamin D we get from sunshine can also prevent serious cancers such as breast, colon, pancreatic and prostate cancers.

Mounting scientific evidence shows a strong link between vitamin D deficiency and cancer. Wouldn\'t it be wonderful if we could prevent cancer by optimizing vitamin D level in the body?  Even in patients with a diagnosis of cancer, proper vitamin D supplementation plays an important role in treating cancer and preventing its recurrence.

What promotes cancer growth?

In the last two decades, research has clearly shown two factors can promote growth of cancer:  Vitamin D deficiency and Insulin Resistance Syndrome.

First, let\'s examine how cancer develops. In your body, old cells are constantly dying and fresh new cells are being born. In other words, there is a continuing cycle of death and birth of cells. There is also a fine balance between the death and the birth of cells.

Vitamin D is involved in the death of cells and insulin is involved in the growth of new cells. Now consider a scenario where vitamin D is low in the body and insulin level is high. Both of these factors cause a shift in the normal balance of the death and birth of cells.  Low vitamin D causes a decrease in the death of cells and a high insulin level causes an increase in the growth of cells. The net result is an enormous increase in the number of cells. This is exactly what happens when you have cancer; an unlimited growth of abnormal cells in your body.

A high level of insulin is present in people with Insulin Resistance Syndrome (also known as Metabolic Syndrome).  Briefly, Insulin Resistance Syndrome consists of obesity, hypertension, low HDL cholesterol, high triglycerides, pre-diabetes or diabetes, polycystic ovary syndrome and high uric acid level. You don\'t have to have all of these features. Just a couple of them are enough to have a diagnosis of Insulin Resistance Syndrome. Some complications of Insulin Resistance Syndrome include: coronary artery disease, stroke and fatty liver.  For an in depth look at Insulin Resistance Syndrome, please read my book, 'Take Charge of Your Diabetes.'

We could call Vitamin D deficiency and high insulin two important promoters of cancer. It\'s interesting to note that Vitamin D deficiency has been shown to worsen Insulin Resistance Syndrome which results in a further increase in insulin level.

In addition, obesity, which often plays a central role in Insulin Resistance Syndrome, also causes vitamin D deficiency. Obesity is the obvious common denominator for insulin resistance and vitamin D deficiency. For a long time, physicians have known obesity to be a strong risk factor for cancer. Now we understand that Vitamin D deficiency and insulin resistance are two pathways for how obesity is linked to cancer.

Both vitamin D deficiency and Insulin Resistance Syndrome have reached epidemic proportions, affecting hundreds of millions of people around the world. What\'s alarming is that both vitamin D deficiency and Insulin Resistance Syndrome are getting worse. It is intuitive to predict that we will continue to see increasingly large numbers of cancer cases as time passes.

Can Vitamin D help in the treatment of cancer?

The answer is yes!

Vitamin D not only helps to prevent cancer, but it also helps in the treatment of cancer. A researcher from Harvard Medical School published an excellent article (3) in 2005 citing the enormous evidence which strongly supports the anti-cancer role of vitamin D supplementation in patients with colon cancer.

In the case of breast cancer, the role of vitamin D as an anticancer agent is promising. In the case of prostate cancer, it appears that the more active form of vitamin D, known as 1,25, (OH)2 vitamin D, provides anti-cancer activity.

Amazingly, many oncologists don\'t seriously consider the great anti-cancer benefits of vitamin D. Some oncologists who stay updated on current knowledge may casually recommend vitamin D to their patients.

What I\'ve seen in my patients is usually something like this:  If a patient brings up the subject of vitamin D, the oncologist might say, 'Yeah, it\'s a good idea. You should take vitamin D.' Unfortunately, that\'s often the end of the advice. Vitamin D level is not checked. Dosage amount is not discussed.  The patient usually ends up taking vitamin D on their own at dose of 400 I.U. per day, which according to the bottle label, meets 100of the daily recommended dose.  When these patients come to see me for some other reason, such as diabetes, I check their vitamin D level.  In most cases, their vitamin D level is low, despite being on the recommended dose of 400 I.U per day.

So beware and take charge of your vitamin D status and supplementation!


  1. Garland CF, Garland FC, Gorham ED et al. The role of vitamin D in cancer prevention. Am J Pub Health.2006;96(2):252-26.
  2. Tretli S, Hernes E, Berg JP, et al. Association Between serum 25(OH)D and death from prostate cancer. Br J Cancer.2009;100(3):450-454.
  3. Giovannucci E. The epidemiology of vitamin D and cancer incidence and mortality: a review( United States). Cancer Causes Control.2005;16(2):83-95.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/cancer-articles/scientific-link-between-vitamin-d-deficiency-and-cancer-1807874.html

About the Author

Sarfraz Zaidi, MD, FACP, FACE is an Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine at UCLA. Dr. Zaidi is a leading expert on Vitamin D, Diabetes and Thyroid. He frequently lectures other physicians as well as the public. He has published numerous articles in medical journals. Dr. Zaidi is also director of the Jamila Diabetes and Endocrine Medical Center in Thousand Oaks, California, where he treats patients on a daily basis. Dr. Zaidi is also the author of the popular Diabetes book, Take Charge of Your Diabetes, and the newly released book, Power of Vitamin D, both of which are available at www.DoctorZaidi.com.


Vitamin D Deficiency And Osteoporosis

Author: Dr. Sarfraz Zaidi, M.D.

Vitamin D Deficiency and Osteoporosis

What is Osteoporosis?

In simple terms, osteoporosis means 'weak bones.' With weak bones, you\'re at increased risk of breaking a bone even after a trivial trauma that otherwise wouldn\'t cause a fracture.

Who Gets Osteoporosis?

While no one is immune, the following conditions increase your risk for Osteopenia/Osteoporosis:

  • Vitamin D deficiency
  • Elderly men and women
  • Post-menopausal women
  • Men with low testosterone
  • Patients on steroids
  • Patients with an over-active thyroid gland
  • Patients who receive too much thyroid hormone in a pill form
  • Patients with Diabetes
  • Patients with Rheumatoid arthritis

The Relationship Between Vitamin D Deficiency and Osteoporosis

In medical literature, it\'s well established that vitamin D deficiency is a major cause for osteoporosis. A number of studies have clearly shown that people with osteoporosis are often low in vitamin D. In one such study (1), researchers looked at the bone mineral density, calcium intake and vitamin D level of 4958 women and 5003 men living in the U.S.; They found that there was a direct correlation between vitamin D level and bone mineral density: the lower the vitamin D level, the lower the bone mineral density and the higher the vitamin D level, the higher the bone mineral density.

In the same study, researchers also found that calcium intake of more than about 600 mg per day did not cause any increase in bone mineral density in the majority of patients. This obviously contradicts the standard advice to take at least 1500 mg per day of calcium to keep your bones healthy. It\'s clear that vitamin D plays the predominant role in determining bone strength. Calcium intake of about 600 mg per day is adequate if you have a good level of vitamin D.

In another study (2), researchers obtained vitamin D levels in 1292 menopausal women with osteopenia or osteoporosis living in France. They found that 90of these women were low in vitamin D.

The main reason of concern regarding low bone mineral density is that if you have osteopenia or osteoporosis, it increases your risk for fracturing a bone. When you have osteoporosis, even a trivial trauma can cause a fracture.

Is there a direct correlation between the level of vitamin D and risk for fracture? The answer is Yes. In an interesting study (3), researchers investigated the hypothesis that low vitamin D places you at risk for a fracture of the bone, regardless of whether the trauma is trivial or heavy. The research was carried out at a hospital in New York. The researchers found that 59of all patients (men and women) with a bone fracture after any degree of trauma were low in vitamin D. Even more impressive was the finding that up to 80of women who sustained a fracture after a trivial or heavy trauma were low in vitamin D. 

Treatment of Osteopenia/Osteoporosis

When you\'re low in vitamin D, as most people are, your bones start to weaken. Therefore, the first step in the treatment of osteopenia and osteoporosis is to achieve a good level of vitamin D in your body. As discussed in Chapter 23, Treatment of Vitamin D Deficiency, for most people that means taking a large dose of Vitamin D supplement.

Unfortunately most physicians don\'t check vitamin D level in patients with osteopenia/osteoporosis and rush to prescription drugs. With this approach, vitamin D deficiency remains undiagnosed and untreated and can have serious health consequences.

Perhaps now you understand one of the most important factors causing osteopenia/osteoporosis is vitamin D deficiency. Unfortunately, it\'s often ignored.  Meanwhile, pharmaceutical companies push their anti-osteoporosis drugs. Unfortunately, vitamin D doesn\'t have the backing and marketing muscle of a pharmaceutical company, because it\'s cheap and easily available over the counter. Physicians are taught to diagnose osteopenia  or osteoporosis and prescribe a drug, without even checking vitamin D level.  Sad, but it is a fact.

Over the years, I\'ve seen many patients take expensive anti-osteoporosis drugs faithfully, but their osteoporosis gets worse. When checked, I find these patients to be quite low in vitamin D. Simply treating them with the right dose of vitamin D makes all the difference in the world.

What osteoporosis really is and how anti-osteoporosis drugs work.

Most people, including many doctors, don\'t quite understand what osteoporosis really is. Let me explain to you what really goes on in the bones when someone develops osteoporosis.

Bones, like every other organ in the body, are constantly going through a 'death and birth cycle of tissues.' Old bone is eaten away by specialized cells in the bone called osteoclasts. This process is called bone resorption. Then, another type of cells in the bones called osteoblasts lay down new bone in the space created by the resorption of the old bone. This process is called bone formation. These are slow processes and take place over a period of several months.

My approach to the Treatment of Osteopenia/Osteoporosis

When I see a patient with osteopenia or osteoporosis, first of all I check her/his vitamin D level, which often turns out to be low. I put these patients on a good dose of vitamin D which is usually in a range of 2000-6000 units of vitamin D3 per day. Details for determining the proper dose of vitamin D are discussed in Chapter 23, Treatment of Vitamin D Deficiency. 

In my patients, I monitor mineral bone density every one to two years.  If a patient has a good vitamin D level, yet continues to have low bone density as estimated by the T-score on a bone DXA test, then I add an anti-osteoporosis drug. However, before I add any anti-osteoporosis drug, I discuss efficacy and potential side-effects of each of these medications and let my patient decide which potential side-effects they are willing to gamble on. In this way, my patients make an educated, well-informed decision when they choose to take an anti-osteoporosis drug.


1. Bischoff-Ferrari HA, Kiel DP, et al. Dietary calcium intake and serum 25-hydroxyvitamin

    D status in relation to BMD among U.S. adults. J Bone Miner Res. 2009; 24(5):935-942.

2. De Cock C, Bruyere O, et al. Vitamin D inadequacy in French osteoporotic and

    osteopenic women. Joint Bone Spine. 2008;75(5):567-572.

3. Steele B, Serota A, et al. Vitamin D deficiency: A common occurrence in both high and

    low-energy fractures. HSS J. 2008;4(2):143-148.

4. Bruyere O, Reginster JY. Vitamin D status and response to antiosteoporotic therapy.

   Womens Health (Lond Engl). 2008;4(5):445-447.

About the Author:

Sarfraz Zaidi, MD specializes in Endocrinology, Diabetes and 
Metabolism. He is a leading Endocrinologist and Diabetologist in the 
U.S. Dr. Zaidi is an Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine at UCLA. 
In addition, he is the Medical Director at the Jamila Diabetes and 
Endocrine Medical center, in Thousand Oaks, California, where he 
enjoys a busy clinical practice. Patients come to see him not only 
from various parts of California but also from other states and even 
from other countries.

Dr. Zaidi loves to teach. He has published numerous articles in many 
prestigious medical journals. He frequently lectures other physicians 
as well as the general public.

Dr. Zaidi\'s mission is to disseminate the correct, uninfluenced and 
up to date medical information. He is the author of the popular diabetes 
book, 'Take Charge of Your Diabetes' which came out in 2007 and has 
touched the lives of thousands of people in the U.S. and around the 
world. His latest ground breaking book,' Power of Vitamin D' just got 
released and is bound to help millions of people around the world.

Dr. Zaidi also has an educational website, www.doctorzaidi.com

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/supplements-and-vitamins-articles/vitamin-d-deficiency-and-osteoporosis-1948615.html

About the Author

Sarfraz Zaidi, MD, FACP, FACE is an Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine at UCLA. Dr. Zaidi is a leading expert on Vitamin D, Diabetes and Thyroid. He frequently lectures other physicians as well as the public. He has published numerous articles in medical journals. Dr. Zaidi is also director of the Jamila Diabetes and Endocrine Medical Center in Thousand Oaks, California, where he treats patients on a daily basis. Dr. Zaidi is also the author of the popular Diabetes book, Take Charge of Your Diabetes, and the newly released book, Power of Vitamin D, both of which are available at www.DoctorZaidi.com.


Why D-Vitamin is important for health in the Nordic countries like Sweden

Author: Shaun Blitzer

When the winter is approaching and the cold makes itself more obvious, it is nice to just sit in front of a fire in the dark and smirk. The winter period is a season full of wonderful emotions, traditions and loving feelings. However, the winter season is the time for us northerners that imply depressions due to lack of vitamin D.

Lack of D vitamin leads to depression, so-called winter depression or autumn depression. It is because of the sun, or rather the lack of sun as the sun is our greatest source of vitamin D. In our region, the Nordic countries, it is only on midday during very sunny days in the summertime that we get enough vitamin D to not have to take nutritional supplements or health foods that are rich in vitamins and particularly D-vitamins.

Our bodies are very cleverly constructed. Among other things, our bodies can store vitamin D, which is fortunate for us. Unfortunately, the body can not store sufficient quantity of D-vitamins so that we, in the darker parts of the world can get enough. This leads subsequently to vitamin D deficiency, which in turn can lead to osteoporosis and severe depressions. In those parts of the world that lies in darkness long periods of the year is depression during the winter very common, many of the affected ones do not know what caused it and they do not know how easy it is to counter. Nutritional supplements (Naringstillskott in Swedish) or health foods (Halsokost in Swedish) that contains vitamin D is the ultimate solution for all of us in our part of the world. It is the ultimate solution for all of us that suffer from osteoporosis or depression during the winter.

Spring-depression, or spring-anxiety have we all heard about. Many people may find it odd that some persons suffer from depression or anxiety in the spring. The spring is a season full of joy, pleasure and general lovebuzz, buds are breaking, birds are chirping and flowers blooming. How can you suffer from anxiety and depression then? The answer is simple. When the spring arrived, the body has used the end of its last stocks of vitamin D. In other words, vitamin D deficiency (D-Vitaminbrist in Swedish) is most acute during the late winter and the beginning of spring, the time when many people believe that everyone is happy. Vitamin D deficiency is very scary and can be extremely hazardous to the health, just because of the severe anxiety attacks and the depression that follows.

In the early 90s doctors began to draw serious attention to winter depression. They recognized that this had to do with vitamin D and lack of the same. Soon it became common with, so called sun-therapy, or light-therapy. This form of therapy was that the patient was left with all-white clothes in an all-white room like that was highly circumspect. Today we know that it is both cheaper and more efficient to eat nutritional supplements and dietary content of vitamin D.

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Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/wellness-articles/why-d-vitamin-is-important-for-health-in-the-nordic-countries-like-sweden-3252102.html

About the Author

My name is Shaun Blitzer and im a 33 year old Swedish content writer. I like to write articleas about almost everthing that interest me. Like for example health,D-Vitamin brist, food and nutrition.


For more: Halsokost

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Use Vitamin D3 5000 IU Supplements for Immense Health Advantages

Author: Kevin McKinnon

Various medical researchers hold that vitamin D3 is probably the most essential and important supplement that is required for a healthy body. It is produced in the body through direct exposure of the skin to sunlight. Some amount of vitamin D3 can also be acquired by eating animal products since animals have the ability to produce it in their body by the same technique as humans.

The most effective way of gaining vitamin D3 is by exposing your skin to direct sunlight for around 20 minutes everyday. The body has a natural ability to absorb the ultraviolet rays and transform them to vitamin D3. In fact, exposure to sunlight can result in the production of 10,000 units of vitamin D3 in the body.

Owing to the fact that sunlight is the best source for vitamin D3, it might be a problem for those who are mostly required to stay indoor for the sake of their work, or those who live in a country or city that gets very less sunlight.  Though vitamin D3 can be obtained through certain foods, there are actually very few foods containing adequate amounts of this vitamin. Hence in order to prevent deficiency of vitamin D3 in your body, one of the most convenient options is to take vitamin D3 supplements on a regular basis.

Daily intake of best vitamin d3 supplements can result in a number of health benefits. Let us discuss some of health conditions that can be effectively prevented by taking vitamin D3 supplements:

Type 1 Diabetes: Medical researches have shown that people taking vitamin D3 supplements since the early stages of their lives are less prone to suffer from type 1 diabetes in the future.

Osteoporosis: Adequate levels of vitamin D3 in the body help in the maintenance of an appropriate level of calcium in the body, thereby protecting bone health and preventing the chances for osteoporosis and arthritis.

Pre-eclampsia: Vitamin D3 helps in the prevention of pre-eclampsia, which is a condition that occurs in women during pregnancy. Pre-eclampsia is characterized by hypertension and edema and can lead to pre-mature labor and also death during pregnancy.

Depression: According to medical studies, vitamin D3 helps effectively in reducing the chances for developing symptoms of depression.

Ageing: Vitamin D3 has amazing anti-ageing properties. Regular intake of vitamin D3 5000 IU helps in the reduction of wrinkles, thereby making your skin smooth, soft and glowing.

Chronic Pain: Medical researches claim that the use of vitamin D3 can bring about a great deal of improvement in people suffering from conditions like chronic pain, fatigue and weakness.

Heart diseases: According to various medical studies, people having sufficient levels of vitamin D3 in their blood are less prone to suffer a heart attack or from high blood pressure.

Cancer: Medical studies claim that vitamin D3 can effectively help in the prevention of various types of cancers. It can specially help in preventing the growth of cancer cells in patients with breast, colon or prostrate cancer.

Though the health benefits of vitamin D3 supplements are beyond any kinds of doubts, it is always recommended to consult a health care practitioner to know the appropriate dosages in which to take the vitamin with regard to your age and health conditions.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/supplements-and-vitamins-articles/use-vitamin-d3-5000-iu-supplements-for-immense-health-advantages-7006036.html

About the Author

Vmultigreen is a reputed brand producing and marketing vitamin D3 5000IU supplements to provide customers with the innumerable health benefits of vitamin D3. They are the leading manufacturer for producing the best vitamin D3 5000 supplements available in the market.


Anti Aging Supplements - Vitamin D3 Amazing Health Benefits

Author: Kevin Bruestle

To make vitamin D more accessible, it is included in dairy items, juices, and oats that are then said to be 'invigorated with vitamin D.' But generally vitamin D-- 80 to 90 of what the figure gets-- is acquired through presentation to daylight. Vitamin D can likewise be made in the lab as anti aging supplements. You may already know that supporting vitamin D in the season of winter can reduce your chances of getting a cold or flu. Healthy individuals who regularly take vitamin D3 may enjoy several advantages, apart from improved bone health. A research conducted in Boston University School of Medicine reported that their research uncover that higher vitamin D3 levels in blood have amazing influence on the genes that are integrated in several biologic pathways directly linked to autoimmune diseases, heart disease and cancer.

Causes Why You Should Take Vitamin Anti Aging Supplements Vitamin D 3

If you have higher intake of vitamin D3 at the very beginning meaning at the early stage of your life, you will have a lesser risk of developing Type 1 Diabetes.

It can prevent osteoporosis. Better bone development and keeping bone diseases apart. It is probably the most effective anti aging supplements that will work from inside.

Lack of anti aging products just like vitamin D could be directly associateded with Pre-eclampsia, which happens during gestation terms and can potentially lead to hypertension and edema. Pre-eclampsia can possibly be a result of pre-mature labor. In fact, it is the main cause throughout impregnation.

Certainly, more clinical trials and research are needed, anti aging supplement like vitamin D has been linked as cancer prevention such as colon, breast and prostate.

There are many vitamin D receptors in our brain, therefore, it is believed that vitamin D assists to consistently maintain and achieve a healthy brain function.

Like most other anti aging vitamins, Vitamin D3 helps regulates blood pressure, reduces tension and stress. It is also proven to help fight stress and depression. It is also great for achieving healthy skin by reducing wrinkles, making it supple and smooth. It also improves cardiovascular strength because it produce a protective lining as support for the blood vessels

Vitamin D Uniqueness

There are two easy ways we have vitamin D3:.

It can enjoy through eating and drinking.
It can be synthesized by our body when we expose our skin to the sun.
It\'s fascinating how fast it is to store sufficient Vitamin D3. With just 6 days of easy daylight exposure without sunscreen for total of 49 days of no daylight exposure. You can get the advantages of Vitamin D3 by increasing sunlight exposure and vitamin D rich diet. Although vitamin D3 from sunlight exposure is more effective than Vitamin D3 supplements, they are still as good and better than none.

Anti Aging Supplements-- Vitamin D3 fro Your Mood.

Since we know that vitamin D3 helps prevent technically almost anything from simple flu to the 'big C' by dealing with our immune systems, to have it more strong and vulnerable to different form of diseases. But we have little understanding and knowledge about D3\'s potential for getting out of mood problems. Recent research directly link Vitamin D 3 deficiencies to depression. It came out that Vitamin D3\'s physiological protections affect moods and depression problems.

Several studies indicate that Vitamin D3 have huge potential for treating mental problems that include seasonal depression (SAD), depression, anxiety, and schizophrenia. Though the research are not yet conclusive, it is truly proven that there is a link between vitamin D and mood problems.

To learn more about anti aging supplements, please view Anti Aging Supplements Vitamin D3

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/anti-aging-articles/anti-aging-supplements-vitamin-d3-amazing-health-benefits-6733083.html

About the Author

Hi, my name is Kevin Bruestle, and I am writing about the anti aging supplements. it is good to know what are the components/ingredients of these supplements inorder for you to know the benefits you can get and how effective it slows aging.


Vitamin D3 - The Sunshine Vitamin

Author: Jack Whitley

Vitamin D is a very important vitamin for everyone.  Believe it or not, Vitamin D is actually a hormone produced by the body.  Cholecalciferol, known as Vitamin D3, is the naturally occurring form of vitamin D.  It is made naturally in large quantity in your skin when sunlight, or ultraviolet rays, strikes your bare skin.  Naturally our bodies make Vitamin D3 but sunlight is required for this process to occur.  Vitamin D3 can also be taken as a supplement form.  There are many benefits that come from Vitamin D3 such as a better immune system, lower blood pressure, clearer skin, a healthier brain, protection against illnesses and cancers and more.  When it comes to bone and joint health, Vitamin D3 is the most important vitamin.  Recent studies are even connecting Vitamin D3 with the protection against the H1N1 virus.

Where does it come from?  Sun, food, and supplements!  Most people obtain their Vitamin D from sun exposure.  The sun is the best way to receive adequate amounts of vitamin D.  There are very few naturally occurring foods that contain vitamin D but you can get some levels of Vitamin D from the food you eat.  There is not enough Vitamin D present in foods to supply you with the levels you need.  However small amounts are found in fish liver oils, cheese, beef liver and egg yolks.  Also, in the U.S. there are foods that are fortified with Vitamin D such as milk, breakfast cereals, some orange juices, yogurts and margarine.  The US regulates which products can be fortified with Vitamin D as well as the amounts of Vitamin D that are added to these food products.  Then, as a 3rd source of Vitamin D, there are Vitamin D supplements.  Make sure when picking a Vitamin D supplement that it is in the form of Vitamin D3 because that is the naturally occurring form. Do not a use a synthetic form of Vitamin D as it is not proven to be as effective.

Vitamin D3 play a role in may things.  It is essential for the promotion of calcium absorption.  Vitamin D3, along with calcium is important for good bone health, which can prevent thin, brittle and malformed bones.  Having sufficient Vitamin D levels prevents children from developing rickets, prevents adults from developing osteomalacia and prevents older adults from developing osteoporosis.  It is thought that Vitamin D is associated with a reduced risk of cancer.  There have been many studies done to support this theory.  The Canadian Cancer Society made a first every supplement recommendation for vitamin D.  This was based on evidence on the link between vitamin D and reducing risk for colorectal, breast and prostate cancer.  It’s been shown that having a Vitamin D deficiency may affect the cardiovascular system.  It was found by Harvard researchers that men with a Vitamin D deficiency were 142more likely to suffer from a heart attack than men with sufficient levels of vitamin D.  It has also been show to boost the immune system, which protects you against the flu, colds and other respiratory infections.  There has also been research that links Vitamin D deficiencies with type-2 diabetes.  A study done in 2004 that was published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that raising a person\'s blood levels of Vitamin D from 25 to 75 could improve insulin sensitivity by 60  It even may affect your mental function as well as your mood.  Some studies have shown that having adequate levels of vitamin D improves your mood, reduces the risk for depression along with it slowing down the age-related losses of mental function.  It has also been shown in 2 different studies that having a low blood level of Vitamin D is associated with increased mortality from all causes and mortality from heart disease.  Studies have shown that those with adequate levels of Vitamin D are less susceptible to the H1N1 flu virus.  It has been show that Vitamin D increases production of antimicrobail agents in the body.  These antimicrobials can fight H1Ni flu and other types of influenza by building one\'s immunity to the flu virus.

So what is the problem?  Many people are deficient in Vitamin D3!  This is becoming a worldwide problem.  Optimal blood levels of Vitamin D are between 30 and 100 nanograms per milliliter of blood.  You are considered Vitamin D insufficient if you levels are between 15ng and 30ng.  You are considered Vitamin D deficient if your levels are less that 15ng.  In fact, a recent US study showed done on 600 children in the US showed that 70of them had low levels of Vitamin D.  Of those, 61were insufficient and 9were deficient.  Kids with low Vitamin D levels are at risk for bone problems, at risk for high blood pressure and at risk for lower HDL cholesterol levels. Why the cause of this widespread deficiency?  People spend less time outdoors and people have poor diets.  With all of the talk about protecting yourself from the sun and skin cancer, people are avoiding direct exposure to the sun.  It is a good practice not to get too much sun, however, a little bit of sun is still important.  Without sun exposure, you body cannot produce the Vitamin D3 it needs.  For those with lighter skin, your skin is more sensitive to the sunlight, so less sunlight is needed to produce Vitamin D.  If your skin is darker, then more sunlight is needed to produce Vitamin D.  Having said this, it is important not to take too much Vitamin D3 because it can be toxic in excess.

It is important to make sure you get the recommended daily amount of Vitamin D. If you get sun exposure you should take an additional 400 IU per day.  If you do not receive adequate exposure to the sun you should take 800 IU a day.  This can easily be accomplished by the addition of a Vitamin D3 supplement along with your daily multivitamin.  It\'s especially important during the winter months to take a supplement as more people are prone to stay indoors during this time and there are fewer hours during the day.  You should not take more than 800 IU a day.  To find out if you are deficient in Vitamin D have your blood levels tested at your next doctor visit or order a saliva test kit to check your hormone levels.  Never pay more than $5.95 for 120 tablets of Vitamin D3.  This is an inexpensive way to ensure you meet your daily requirements for Vitamin D3 and to ensure good health.  As always talk with your doctor about the supplements and vitamins you take.

For More Information on Vitamin D3 Click Here

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/supplements-and-vitamins-articles/vitamin-d3-the-sunshine-vitamin-1495027.html

About the Author

Jack Whitley is the owner of Cape Fear Naturals. Cape Fear Naturals is a family run business on the Cape Fear River in Wilmington, North Carolina. We only offer products that are clinically proven to be effective and made from natural and safe ingredients. We refuse to sell popular promotional supplements that have no real value. Everything we sell is custom made for us by FDA licensed and inspected facilities. We believe in values in which we use to create products, pricing, and build trusting relationships with everyone involved with using or making Cape Fear Naturals products. We are growing all the time and will offer more health giving supplements every month. We guarantee the quality of everything of course. Thank you for your interest in Cape Fear Naturals. We hope we can continue to service your natural needs. http://www.capefearnaturals.com