
Why D-Vitamin is important for health in the Nordic countries like Sweden

Author: Shaun Blitzer

When the winter is approaching and the cold makes itself more obvious, it is nice to just sit in front of a fire in the dark and smirk. The winter period is a season full of wonderful emotions, traditions and loving feelings. However, the winter season is the time for us northerners that imply depressions due to lack of vitamin D.

Lack of D vitamin leads to depression, so-called winter depression or autumn depression. It is because of the sun, or rather the lack of sun as the sun is our greatest source of vitamin D. In our region, the Nordic countries, it is only on midday during very sunny days in the summertime that we get enough vitamin D to not have to take nutritional supplements or health foods that are rich in vitamins and particularly D-vitamins.

Our bodies are very cleverly constructed. Among other things, our bodies can store vitamin D, which is fortunate for us. Unfortunately, the body can not store sufficient quantity of D-vitamins so that we, in the darker parts of the world can get enough. This leads subsequently to vitamin D deficiency, which in turn can lead to osteoporosis and severe depressions. In those parts of the world that lies in darkness long periods of the year is depression during the winter very common, many of the affected ones do not know what caused it and they do not know how easy it is to counter. Nutritional supplements (Naringstillskott in Swedish) or health foods (Halsokost in Swedish) that contains vitamin D is the ultimate solution for all of us in our part of the world. It is the ultimate solution for all of us that suffer from osteoporosis or depression during the winter.

Spring-depression, or spring-anxiety have we all heard about. Many people may find it odd that some persons suffer from depression or anxiety in the spring. The spring is a season full of joy, pleasure and general lovebuzz, buds are breaking, birds are chirping and flowers blooming. How can you suffer from anxiety and depression then? The answer is simple. When the spring arrived, the body has used the end of its last stocks of vitamin D. In other words, vitamin D deficiency (D-Vitaminbrist in Swedish) is most acute during the late winter and the beginning of spring, the time when many people believe that everyone is happy. Vitamin D deficiency is very scary and can be extremely hazardous to the health, just because of the severe anxiety attacks and the depression that follows.

In the early 90s doctors began to draw serious attention to winter depression. They recognized that this had to do with vitamin D and lack of the same. Soon it became common with, so called sun-therapy, or light-therapy. This form of therapy was that the patient was left with all-white clothes in an all-white room like that was highly circumspect. Today we know that it is both cheaper and more efficient to eat nutritional supplements and dietary content of vitamin D.

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Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/wellness-articles/why-d-vitamin-is-important-for-health-in-the-nordic-countries-like-sweden-3252102.html

About the Author

My name is Shaun Blitzer and im a 33 year old Swedish content writer. I like to write articleas about almost everthing that interest me. Like for example health,D-Vitamin brist, food and nutrition.


For more: Halsokost

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