
Vitamin D Prevents 77of All Cancer by J.E. Ante

Author: Joseph Ante

Since 1941 the research that proves Vitamin D prevents most cancers and that deficiencies are in northern population in much higher numbers -- was largely ignored.  And in the 68 yrs since America\'s Pearl Harbor attack far more Americans have died of cancer than Americans died in WWII.  In fact twelve times of additional Americans have died of cancer than all the US soldiers killed in WWII because this research was ignored and not acted upon.

Today the research is far more compelling as recent research estimates that 77of all cancer can be prevented in America within 4 years of starting a national Vitamin D supplement campaign.

Americans should now insist that the FDA quadruple the minimum daily adult requirement of vitamin D3 in the American diet to 1600mg.  The current 400mg per day was the minimum required to prevent rickets--a serious bone malformation from occurring in children.  But it is now known that vitamin D effects far more than just bone formation in the human body.

A small child requires 1,000 mg and by weight a 300 lb person requires as much as 10,000 mg per day which can be safely taken without any problems of overdose.

The New England Journal of Medicine reports that between 40and 100of elderly people in America and Europe are deficient in Vitamin D3.

Vitamin D3 deficiency doubles heart attack risk and is linked to autism in children.  Colds and flus peak in winter when vitamin D3 levels are at there lowest from limited sunlight. And research shows the Type 1 diabetes in children can be reduced 78  and 33reduction in Type II diabetes can be achieved with increased vitamin D3.  Research supports that there is a 72reduction in falls in elderly people and a 42reduction in multiple sclerosis in women taking extra vitamin D3.

President Obama can save literally trillions of dollars of needless medical health care expenses if this one policy is adopted by the FDA and a national campaign is vigorously administered.  All elderly should have their blood levels checked regularly at least once per year.

It is sad to say but this policy will probably bankrupt the drug companies in America.  And this is also probably why increasing vitamin D supplementation  has been ignore.  The drug companies control health care in America, the FDA, the AMA, and would never support such a policy.  But with President Obama in the White House this does have a chanceto become law because the President needs to reduce health and medical costs or his national health insurance program will bankrupt America.

Write your congressman and President Obama and support the increase of the minimum daily adult requirement of vitamin D to 1600 mg per day.  With the skin cancer scare of the past 20 years from the sun and children playing video games indoors most of their lives Americans get little sunlight to supplement their vitamin D3 each day.  Six  months of each year sunlight is not strong enough to make vitamin D3 on our skin.  Recent research states that most people wash off skin oils before natural vitamin D3 is reabsorbed by the body in their skins.
Source research: Life Extension Magazine 10/2007, 9/2008, 4/2009

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/nutrition-articles/vitamin-d-prevents-77-of-all-cancer-by-je-ante-1087543.html

About the Author

J.E. Ante, Graduate University of Indianapolis BA, Head of the Life Science Institute Health Library, organizer of Earth Day and local ZPG chapter in Indiana, Population and Environment Editor with Reflector at Indianapolis University, 12yr organic gardener with fruit, nuts, and berries, lifelong student of Out-of-Body spiritual techniques. ( http://www.planet-tachyon.com/antelopone )

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